Friday, 18 October 2013

Don't turn into a 'Country Counter'

Last night was amazing. There is no better example of fate that I can think of, thats happened to me yet.

After my big day of horse back riding followed by cycling, I was so exhausted I could hardly do anything the following day (yesterday) I was even too exhausted to get myself together and leave for my next place! So I decided to stay one more night, with no intention of really doing anything but listening to some tradition music in a pub. I had no idea that that THE MOST INTERESTING MAN IN THE WORLD would soon be checking into my hostel...

Mike Spencer Bown is a Calgary native traveller that has been travelling the world since he was 21 years old. He is now 44. This man has been everywhere! He knows so much and has the absolutely most unreal stories!!

How it happened!
So, I took a nap for most of the afternoon, and when I woke up, my roomate told me that the most travelled man in the world was in the hostel! I got so excited that I just started reading everything I could about him on the internet. Then after dinner, I somewhat creepily waited in the sitting room for him to show up... when he finally did.. I had never been so excited inside but trying to act so cool and like I had no idea who he was on the outside.. we were sitting by the fire and I introduced myself to him.. when he said his name it took all my energy not to burst out with "I know who you are!! Im such a fan!! Please, tell me all your stories!!!" ALL MY ENERGY! We had some chit chat and I was telling him about my horse back riding and then he proceeded to tell me about when he rented some horses for 10$ a day in some mountains in the middle of somewhere... I truly did listen, but i cannot remember the name of those mountains... either way though, he put my story to SHAME. 
Eventually he two hostel working fellas had joined us and they asked all the questions that I didnt want to ask! And after a few dingle-gin and tonics, the stories were absolutely pouring out of him! We even went out for a pint after hanging out at the hostel, then back for tea around 2 am.

I have never been more inspired than anyone in my life! The things he done and seen makes me want to do nothing other than travel!
This morning over coffee he was trying to coach me a little bit with traveling and how to write this very travel blog. He was very excited that I was just starting my adventures and was a canadian around the same age he was when starting out.

Up next for mike, (yes.. I get to call him by his first name...) he is selling the rights to his life to a producer in hollywood, who will eventually be making a movie about his life! He also have plans to move somewhere cheap and warm to write his book.

I wish I can write down all the stories I heard last night and this morning, but there are just WAY TO MANY! I already cant wait for his book to be written and come out!

The most important thing he stressed, is to not turn into a 'country counter'.

Im so glad that I was too tired to move on yesterday:)


  1. Very cool! And VERY exciting honey! But I never want to wait 23 years for you to come home. I wonder how many trees you'll need to fund that? :)

  2. He went home almost every year!
